Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week of November 1 - Aidan's Baptism

Aidan had a very good week. He got to exercise in PT with his old friend Dan from the NICU. He had a very good speech session with Casey. His labs look very good and he was able to get his H1N1 shot in kidney clinic this month. Mommy got hers as well through Daddy’s doctor. There where no major problems with hemodialysis this week. On Saturday Aidan was baptized (finally). We just never had the opportunity and we were finally able to accomplish this important milestone. His Grandma Lee and Ray came down from up north for the baptism. Unfortunately his Grandpa and Grandma Marino were sick and could not make it and his Grandpa and Grandma Troxtel could not make it either. They were all there in spirit though. Aidan would like to thank everybody for coming and for the generous gifts. The family went out to eat at a really nice restaurant followed by some play time with Aidan and Grandma Lee. On Sunday Grandma Lee was able to give Aidan a bath. I think she and the little guy both really loved it. Aidan has made some great progress over the last few months. He is even starting to clap on a consistent basis and seems to be on the verge of being able to communicate (non-verbally with us). We will keep working at it. Well that is about it for this week. Talk to you soon. All our love.

Aidan's Baptism

Bath time with Grandma Lee

Having fun with Grandma Lee

Week of October 26th - Happy Halloween

We had a pretty fun week other than the orthopedic appointment debacle this past Monday. We started off by going to Chris and Megan Polak’s Annual Halloween party. Although we didn’t stay long it was nice to see our friends and get out of the house for a bit. Daddy went as a banana, Aidan was a monkey, and Mommy was a Goddess. On Monday we tried to get Aidan’s 6 month follow up x-ray for his hip. However, when we arrived for the appointment we were told that it would be about a 1 hour wait for his x-ray followed by a 2-3 hour wait to see the doctor. Needless to say we cancelled the appointment and returned home. We did get the x-ray at the University Hospital later in the week and as it turned out Aidan’s hip has gotten better and he may not need any surgery in the future after all. Later in the week we dressed Aidan up for his school pictures. He was a really good boy and his picture turned out really well. Hopefully we will get them before Christmas so we can send them out to everybody. Later that day the Early-On teachers stopped by and put Aidan on a Rody. It’s hard to explain so just check out the picture. Mommy had a chance to sing me one of her favorite songs. On Halloween daddy and I dressed up and hit a few houses for some nice tasty candy. Hopefully next year I will be able to hit some more houses and get some more candy.

School Picture

Aidan and Rody - We bought him his own Rody. He loves him.

Our little monkey