Monday, September 21, 2009

9-21-09 - Week of Sept. 14 through Sept. 20

Erik and I made a promise that we would start updating the blog on a weekly basis. This past week was pretty uneventful. Which is nice to say for a change. We had dialysis on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Everything went good on all 3 days. The only problem was mom was late for the Saturday's dialysis appointment due to the Michigan game starting at noon. We will have to leave the house at 9:30am now when there is a noon football game in Ann Arbor on Saturdays. Aidan had PT on Tuesday and an Audiology appointment on Tuesday. Both appointments went well. On Wednesday Early On came to the house. Aidan decided to show off a little. They were really impressed with his progress over the summer. Mrs. Lisa was also impressed by how big Aidan is getting. Friday was fun here at the house. We had the driveway and back porch redone. They started at 7:00am breaking up the existing driveway and back porch. They finished around 5:00pm. They did a really nice job. Sunday, mommy and Aidan let daddy go to the Lions game with grandpa Marino. They lost of course, but daddy did not mind because he was watching the game from a suite. Mommy and Aidan had a great day just relaxing around the house. Mommy was hoping to get some things around the house done, but that did not happen.

The biggest news of the week is that Aidan finally has a tooth popping through. It is the top front right tooth. Mommy and daddy are so excited because for a while there we thought that Aidan would be toothless for his 2nd birthday. We even questioned the doctor once if Aidan really had any teeth. We hope everyone has a great week. We will update again next Monday.

Hugs and Kisses.... The Troxtel's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Troxtel's!
Love catching up with you guys:) You know Everett linked our blog to our facebook profiles so when we update the blog it also posts on facebook.....just a thought for ya so you don't have to post in both places if you don't want to:)
Give Aidan a hug from his NICU buddy's Pauly and Rett!